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Prayer links

God has given WEC a calling to reach the unreached and prayer is integral to this work. It is our life-line to God who through His Spirit is the life-line to who we are and what we do. Will you join us in prayer?  For more country specific prayer requests, check out Operation World

Exciting days in Africa

Exciting days in Africa

WEC has recently launched a new initiative called 'Acts 13', working with African churches who want to send their members into cross cultural mission. We are so excited to see what God is doing!

In Ghana,  Acts 13 will have 4 couples coming together to work as a team. Please pray that the Lord will guide them and give his strategy to know how to continue to develop the ministry of mobilization in Africa. All the team will not live in Ghana, but will work together. Please pray for unity and for more workers to come and be part of the team; the task is big, the opportunities to share about missions are many and we need more workers to come and join us to mobilize Africans towards missions.

Another year, another war?

As they have done in past years, has published a list of 'conflict hotspots' to watch for in 2018. You can read the full article here:

1 Timothy 2:1-4. "First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. This is good, and it is pleasing in the sight of God our Savior, who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth."

Let's join together in praying for peace, in order that many people will have the opportunity to hear and respond to the Gospel of Christ.

Another year, another war?
Floods in Nepal and Bangaldesh

Floods in Nepal and Bangaldesh

16 million people affected. 10,000 homes destroyed and 100 schools closed in Nepal. 3000 villages under water in Assam State, India. 600,000 people forced to flee their homes in Bangladesh.
The floods have struck at the beginning of the planting season, leading to fears of severe food shortages in the future. Flood waters also carry a high risk of spreading infectious disease.
Pray for those who have lost loved ones, their homes, their livelihood. Pray for emergency services as they struggle to reach those affected by the floods. Pray for those seeking to share the love of God with those who are suffering.

Calling out around the World

International Communication Coordinator
WEC International is committed to seeing disciples being made and churches being planted in every corner of the world.
We are seeking a special individual to join us and be part of that vision by helping us to grow as an organisation in effective communication, both internal and external. This is an exciting new role which will need creativity and innovation to meet the challenges of a multi-cultural, multi-lingual organisation working all around the world. It offers the opportunity to shape and develop communication strategy for WEC as well as equip and train other in communication skills.
Good managerial skills (people and projects), be an initiator and have good communication skills in English.
Ideally, formal training in Communication/PR, or proven experience in a multi-cultural context.
As with all roles in WEC, this is a non-salaried position.
Could this be you? For more information, go to Contact Us

Calling out around the World
What will 2017 hold?

What will 2017 hold? recently published an article called '10 conflicts to watch in 2017'. There is no doubt that our world is a dangerous and violent place and that millions will suffer and die this year because of human sinfulness.
Father, we come to you, knowing that the peace that is needed in this world is only possible through you. We ask you, in your mercy, to bring men and women of peace into positions of authority. We cry out to you, loving Father, on behalf of all those who are suffering because of war. Act on their behalf Lord, and show us what our part is too.
Lord we look to you, trusting in your sovereignty even as we see chaos around us. Help us to move into this year with confident faith in you, making the most of every opportunity to share with others the peace which comes from knowing you.

Treasurer needed for Cambodia

WEC in Cambodia is involved in various NGO projects, serving local communities, giving training and care in a country still recovering from the traumas of its past. We have an urgent need to a treasurer to work with us - will you pray with us for the right person to join us? Could that person be you?

Treasurer needed for Cambodia
Pray for Turkey

Pray for Turkey

Turkey is in turmoil. This could potentially have as much impact in the Middle East as the fall of Saddam or the Syrian civil war.

  • Pray for Turkey, as it is at a significant crossroads in terms of continued democracy and freedom for its people.
  • Pray for the Turkish government, in particular the president. Pray for good and wise decision to be made, both in terms of dealing with the perpetrators of the coup and the future government of this country.
  • Pray for the peace across Turkey in the aftermath of the coup, and for those who have lost loved ones in the violence.
  • Pray that Turkish believers will have opportunities to share their faith and hope in the midst of the turmoil, and that many across this nation will come to know and accept Jesus Christ as Lord.
Psalm 46 vs 10: “Be still, and know that I am God! I am exalted among the nations, I am exalted in the earth”

A Prayer for France

Dear Lord,
As we hear the news of the terrible events in France, we are struggling to find the words which express the grief and sorrow which
follow in its wake.

We pray for the families and friends who today are mourning the tragic loss of those killed in the attack in Nice. As we mourn with
those who mourn, may the consoling presence of your Holy Spirit be with all those whose children, grandchildren, parents and
grandparents were taken from them in this attack.

We pray for the nation of France, that neither fear nor despair would rule, but rather your peace would reign. In this time of trouble,
we pray for leaders, not only in France but around the world, who are considering their response to this cowardly act. May you
grant discernment and wisdom to all concerned.


A Prayer for France
Democratic Republic of Congo:

Democratic Republic of Congo:

When WEC workers in the Democratic Republic of Congo partnered with local church leaders to write a new discipleship resource, they had little idea of the impact it would make. The new catechism (an update of a 1930’s edition) is designed to help people grow in their faith through a series of questions and answers. Copies have been supplied to church workers throughout the country and stories of its effect are coming to light. WEC missionary Stephen McGoldrick tells us ‘A local teacher started using the catechism for personal devotions. He’s now used it with his family, young people in his church, in the local Bible school, and in the secondary school where he teaches. I don’t think we had realised the impact the book would have. The truths in it are really touching literally hundreds of lives, just through this one man.’ Pray with us that the catechism will fulfil its potential to change people’s understanding of the gospel, and challenge them to live in a way that transforms their communities.

WEC Latino

WEC Latino prepares Spanish-speaking Christians for missions. In November 2015, 23 students graduated from the Senderos School in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. Then the Senderos School of Missions in Venezuela celebrated its first graduation in December, with 25 students receiving their diplomas. Training here included a week in the jungle ministering to indigenous people, preparing students for long-term missionary service. Pray for wisdom and courage for the new graduates as they each commit themselves to serving God and seeking His will for their future.

WEC Latino
Immigrants in the UK

Immigrants in the UK

Paul tells us his story. ‘In April 2012, three Iranian men came to our church. They had very little English and knew almost nothing about Christianity. I invited them to my home to study the Bible. From this small beginning, more than 100 Farsi speakers (Iranians, Afghans and Kurds) now meet at our church. 86 of them have professed faith in Christ and 47 have been baptised. Pray for those who are seeking to share the good news of Jesus with immigrants in the UK, and all over Europe. Pray for churches to be ready to seize the opportunity to reach out to those who have had little or no contact with Christians before. Pray that those who have fled in fear will be received with love.


Pray With Us

WEC has recently launched a new initiative called 'Acts 13', working with African churches who...

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As they have done in past years, has published a list of 'conflict hotspots'...

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16 million people affected. 10,000 homes destroyed and 100 schools closed in Nepal. 3000 villages...

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